It is now early October and I have just finished my life coaching sessions with Matt. We have had such a joyful journey, and it has been so empowering (not to mention plenty of surprises) for both of us and I am truly grateful to have not only found him, but to count him as a dear friend :-)
We worked on so many deep issues and I moved through and beyond them all, in a variety of ways. Matt helped me to review them all in our final coached session and I still find it incredible just how far I have come in a few short months. My deep rage that so concerned me has dissipated - it was not just mine, but that of many generations of women who preceded me and that had to be resolved energetically. We talked about feeling safe, holding space, managing boundaries, reflecting light and joy and through it all, I was bubbling over. I have found my tribe and continue to find them, and there is another purpose that I will start to progress more once I have allowed all this work to settle and incubate for a bit. Looks like I will be back to teaching, lol. Definitely "seeding the change".
I had a lovely reading from Spirit Rebelles, with the card 22. Collaborative Dreaming (how very apt!).
Your vision oozes (in a good way)
into the pores of everything you do, everywhere you go, everyone whose life and
work you touch. Grow collaborations and new creations. It is TIME for a new
The write up in the book went on for pages but a few phrases really stood out for me.
"Your heart is big enough to dream not only for yourself, but for a new humanity.
You are being asked to honour your growing desire to co-create with conscious, like-minded people.
You are no longer to think of yourself as the lone wolf.
You must always trust your own voice above any other."
I am solidly on my path, I am radiating joy and abundance and for the most part, my life is flowing smoothly, despite the fast pace. All is well in my world <3 xx