Friday, 5 September 2014

Day 10 of 30

A bit of a strange day.  Woke around 8:30 after being late to bed and yet again, felt pretty unmotivated to do any work on my bedroom.  Eventually sorted myself out enough to head over to the Crystal Dragon to have a catch up with Clive, then spent the afternoon and evening with Caroline and the children which was great fun. 
After reading with Lucy and Michael, Caroline and I ended up spending about 5 hours (!!) building Lego models from all the pieces we had sorted out earlier.  A pretty decent collection of cars, planes and boats ended up on Michael's desk ready for him to play with when he gets home from his first day back at school tomorrow.  

I still haven't started packing for my Shamanic Reiki retreat which starts tomorrow and I have to fit in another visit to see dad and get his invoices paid beforehand.  And I really need to call a few agencies and get my CV sorted if I'm going to get a new job before the end of the month. 

Day 9 of 30

03 Sept and a busy day ahead was planned.  Except I couldn't get myself motivated enough to head over to dad's as I am completely exhausted.  So resting this morning, then will attempt some gentle climbing at lunchtime, followed by more chilling out this afternoon.  Maybe head over to dad's after that to sort his invoices.  
Don't feel too bad after the box-fit class last night, really hoping DOMS doesn't kick in tomorrow, lol.  Will head back over there for another session tomorrow evening and see how I get on.  Getting back into it is the hardest bit, so if I just stick at it for a few weeks, I should be fine :-)

Had a great climbing session and tackled some tough routes, though didn't manage to finish all of them.  More projects to work on :-)
Chill out session was fabulous, though I got home later than I expected.  Took the Porsche out for a run with the top down and although I enjoyed it, I don't think I will really miss it that much.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Day 8 of 30

Second day of September and the sun is back out after a couple of days of almost non-stop rain.  Perfect jumping weather and I'm at home stripping wallpaper, lol.  

Lots to think about and process after my session with Sebastian yesterday.  I can see how digging too deeply can cause people to come apart at the seams!  

Need to do a load of tidying up too as Jon is staying tonight as he has a job in London and I haven't even started on tackling the stuff I brought back from nearly 2 weeks camping.  Housework vs sunshine - hmmmm..... 

So didn't do much on the bedroom but did 3 loads of washing, tidied up, had an hour of climbing and then an hour of box-fit.  It was exhausting but I didn't do as badly as I thought I might.  Burpees hurt my back too much so I do squats instead, but managed to keep going through all of the interval sessions without slowing down too much.  I will definitely get fitter if I keep going, 3 minutes has rarely felt so long, lol.  Probably haven't got time to go back tomorrow as I have to see dad, then am climbing at lunchtime and off to Kestrel in the afternoon.  Will try to get back there on Thurs and sign up for the six week transformation programme.  I have to shift the last few pounds I put on (managed to drop several already) then see where my weight settles.  I've probably lost muscle as I haven't been really pushing it with the exercise so it will probably be a challenge to see a change in the scales.  Time to get the tape measure out again....

Monday, 1 September 2014

Day 7 of 30

01 Sept.
Have finished typing up the last few days journal entries so how are things today? 
Still a bit tired but slept well in my own bed.  Got a session with Sebastian this afternoon so need to get myself together and do some work on my bedroom before then.  Very little motivation to get back to it though the thought of T staying over on Wednesday is a bit of an incentive.  Since it is already past 11am, I had better get on with it, lol. 

Stripped a lot of wallpaper and now feel motivated enough to continue tomorrow, with the aim of finishing as much as possible by the end of the week.  Very tired now having had a 3 hour session with Sebastian and a pole class, plus have visited the new gym down the road and will be going to my first class tomorrow night.  The plan is to do a six week trial membership and get properly fit again, which is desperately needed.  I have lost a lot of my core strength and definitely need a lot more stamina.  

Made some juices before going to pole class so have ginger shots and tomorrow's daily dose already prepared :-)  I will get back on track!

Day 6 of 30

Woke up groggy yet again.  Desperately needed the loo but ignored it for over an hour to go back to sleep.  Need to go to bed earlier but that won't happen today as I'm in the tunnel from 7-8 with nearly 2 hours to drive home.
Definitely back to juicing tomorrow - hate feeling this lethargic.  And sort out the gym membership as I am sluggish and unfit plus I need to shift about a stone in weight.  Madame Podgy!

Took it easy with packing up, starting gradually in the morning with most of the contents of the bell tent whilst keeping the stall open.  Went to a Breath and Voice workshop with Gray (who forgot and was late, lol) which was intriguing even though I don't agree with all of his assertions.  He believes that our given birth name is what links us to our ancestors and needs to be honoured.  I believe that my name is a useful label that can be changed as circumstances dictate.  But I did enjoy the sounding of the vowels for each of our names and felt more confident with my own voice.  And I will do the exercises for my original given name as well as with my current name as there is obviously still more to be healed from my childhood.  Layers upon layers, I do find it somewhat depressing that there doesn't seem to be an end to it...

Tunnel was great fun and my side sliding has definitely improved, though still quite a way from perfect, lol.  Did some 3 way and that got better over the sessions too.  Still need to remember to point my toes to keep my legs from waving all over the place.  Got better with mantis position too - having my arms too high definitely makes me very floaty!  It's hard work to keep them down but will practice that in freefall when I've got lots of space for my wobbles!

Day 5 of 30

30 Aug.
Slept well after also having my nap yesterday when Ros was making her reindeer drum.  Feel very groggy now though and not particularly well rested.
Drew a Goddess card and got Coventina: Purification.  It is time for a cleansing detoxification of your body and mind.
That feels appropriate as I have been eating way too much junk over the last couple of weeks whilst camping.

Earth Magic card was Rainbow: Blessings.  It fell out of the pack but I put it back and carried on shuffling.  When it fell out again, I couldn't ignore it, lol. 

Workshop with Leo Rutherford on Star Maiden Circle.  Definitely shifted things for 2 people who went into the centre, and was very moving for the rest of us.  Very similar to Pip's 'Working in Council' though the directions had slightly different meanings.  The Medicine Wheel is also different to the Celtic Medicine Wheel with elements in different directions.  I guess we each use what works for us, it's more about working around the circle rather than trying to cross it.

Second workshop with Leo on Shamanic Journeying - spirit guide was Golden Eagle.  Live in your body, look after it!  Follows on from Goddess card this morning so more clear messages :-)  Journey to Lower World for myself.  Ros's suggestion of what NOT to do worked better than several previous intentions to find out what to do next.  Don't rent out house before Christmas, don't rekindle romantic relationship with Rich.  Possibly give up skydiving.  More clearing out.  Definitely sell Porsche.  Prepare for big shift. 

Day 4 of 30

Woke early, deactivated the alarm and went back to sleep.  Slept until 8 though could have gone later.  
Earth Magic card - Forest: Breath.  Need to take slow deep breaths and release.  
Goddess card - Isis: Past Life.  It tells me to do past life regression which was a workshop I rejected yesterday!
Bought an arctic wolf drum bag from Julie who has the stall opposite, even though my drum totem is a buzzard!  
Julie MacRobert, Child of Importance

Did the Past Life Regression workshop with Juanita and was partly bemused and partly disappointed.  Was very frustrating that she kept letting people in late then losing her train of thought.  We had a couple of volunteers and got the predictable 'death-by-hanging-and-I've-got-throat-chakra-issues' and a 'death-by-stabbing-and-I-have-pains-in-my-gut'.  I'm somewhat cynical about past life regression but then I don't think I've been here before and if I have any choice in the matter, I definitely won't be back.  When we did the meditation to go back to our past life that needed to be resolved, I ended up as an alien energy form, with feelings of being abandoned and alone, with very great loss, despite other beings there with me.  Also fairly predictable given my beliefs.  Not sure quite why I needed to go through the process but I'm learning to do as I'm told, lol.  

Drew a card to give me guidance on what to do with Rich and drew Vision Quest again!  So that is very clear and from our discussions so far, looks like it will be in October.  Took another one to see what I needed to learn from my experience with Jay and drew Whale - Breach.  Another fairly clear message so they do occasionally answer questions!!

Fell asleep watching Ros make a drum and dreamed about someone taking me to see his death in a car accident.  He wasn't upset about it and said he hadn't felt most of it.  Presumably that's my brain trying to process the workshop from earlier.  

Chatted with Ros a bit then got into bed properly.  Was holding Rich's wooden heart when he texted me at 11:30pm to say he could feel me and I was happy.  Had a brief chat via text then I fell asleep again.   

Day 3 of 30

Very varied day, got up early, finished packing and headed up to Sibson to try out Andy's rig.  Turned out to be much too big for me but Damo has one that may be suitable and Chris has given the go-ahead for me to get a 170 container with a 190 main.  Jumped the Nav 200 and stood up the landing - apart from turning slightly faster, it didn't really seem any different from the Nav 240 so will try and keep on the 200 from now on at Sib. 
Now at Clophill with Ros at Earthdance, setting up the bell tent, ready for selling drums and rattles and for 3 days of festival with various workshops :-)

Had a look at the programme and am very tempted by several workshops.  Definitely not getting up for 7am yoga though and will see what time I wake up before deciding about 7:30 mantra, lol. 

Lovely supper of baked potato, beans, cheese and salad for £3.50.  Haven't been back for cake yet but they looked amazing.  As before, wood burner in bell tent is super efficient and we are now melting!

Currently discussing options of Vision Quest weekends with Rich, and liaising with Ros to find out how to arrange it with the farmer.  What a turn up for the books!